about colour+shape

Why choose Colour + Shape

Colour + Shape was born out of a want to provide the highest quality premium level products, materials and accessories at a cost effective price point for all to afford and enjoy in equal measure.

In return for opting to shop with Colour + Shape we aim to supply all who invest in the brand with a product that exceeds all expectations.

Why choose Colour + Shape

Colour + Shape was born out of a want to provide the highest quality premium level products, materials and accessories at a cost effective price point for all to afford and enjoy in equal measure.

In return for opting to shop with Colour + Shape we aim to supply all who invest in the brand with a product that exceeds all expectations.

about colour+shape

Who is Colour + Shape?

We are a UK based brand and company who sell our goods predominantly through an ecommerce based UK wide reseller network. We supply materials such as adhesive vinyl, heat transfer vinyl, crafting tools and accessories predominantly into the craft and home décor and improvement markets.

We might be seen as a new brand but within our team we have decades of experience in creating and sourcing top level products to supply to our customers. We might be new but we have old school values that rely on your feedback to improve on (where necessary) our product catalogue should you not be happy with what you have received from us which means we live by the motto of “if you are happy with your product then tell others, if not then tell us.”

We are always looking to expand upon and improve on the range or products we offer, if there is something that you would love to see us supply at Colour + Shape then please get in contact with us and let us know.

colour+shape vinyl